
What character traits are typical of the INTP personality?

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What character traits are typical of the INTP personality?

The personality of each person is unique and cannot be pressed into rigid concepts. Nevertheless, there are certain character traits that can be clearly assigned to certain personality types. Learning more about this is highly recommended if you want to develop yourself personally.

The INTP is the logician among the 16 personality types of the Myers-Briggs model. Only about 3 % of all people can be classified as INTP. Let's see, maybe you'll recognize yourself in the character description. Otherwise, there's a free personality test waiting for you. But more on that later.

What does the abbreviation INTP stand for?

The abbreviation INTP stands for the following Characteristics:

  • I: Introversion (introversion)
  • N: Intuition (intuitive)
  • T: Denken (thinking)
  • P: perceiving

The character traits in detail:

I: Introversion (introversion)

Introverts like to withdraw into their own world of thoughts. Therefore, they often appear shy and withdrawn to other people.

N: Intuition (intuitive)

Intuitive people have a reliable gut feeling. They instinctively sense whether a decision is wrong or right without being able to explain it rationally.

T: Denken (thinking)

The thinker analyzes facts logically and makes fact-based decisions. In doing so, he takes every available aspect into account. In the INTP, the "thinking" part of the personality is more pronounced than the intuitive part.

P: perceiving

Perceptual personalities see all open options. This can sometimes be a disadvantage, as it makes it difficult for them to decide. Generally, they reject too much forward planning and prefer to let situations come to them spontaneously.

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The INTP personality at a glance

The logician wants to stand out from the crowd. He is reluctant to be usually to be called. However, the latter is rather rare, because the INTP can actually come up with all sorts of extraordinary talents. He is bursting with a thirst for knowledge, inventiveness and creativity. He puts critics to shame with his razor-sharp intellect.

If you think of the image of a dreamy but brilliant professor, this description pretty much fits the INTP. Many of the scientists to whom we owe groundbreaking inventions fit the INTP personality type. These personalities spend all day thinking and researching. If there is a problem, they want to find an innovative solution.

However, logicians have difficulties in interpersonal contact. They bring for emotional Needs They have little understanding for their ideas. If someone can't follow their ingenious ideas, they often react indignantly. In addition, they are not infrequently regarded as unreliable. However, this is due to the fact that they sometimes express ideas that are still immature, whereupon other people develop expectations.

Strengths of the INTP personality

The INTP is a smart free spirit. He is characterized by the following strengths:


INTP personalities have a penchant for unusual ideas and creative approaches to solutions. However, not everything that occurs to them can be implemented. The logician is nevertheless willing to try. Thus, he sometimes eliminates problems in a clever way that other people would not even dream of. He succeeds effortlessly in thinking outside the box.

Open mind

No one is as open to new ideas as the INTP. The immense thirst for knowledge of these personality types can hardly be quenched. Thus, their entire life is a single learning process. However, it is very important to the INTP that new theories can be supported by logical arguments. This is where his analytical nature comes to the fore.

Analytical thinking

Logicians analyze every aspect of their lives and their environment - be it professional or private. From there, they often discover important patterns and connections that remain hidden to other people.

Strengths of the INTP personality


INTPs can get excited about many things. Almost everything arouses their curiosity and must be learned. Their curiosity helps them gain a considerable wealth of knowledge and diverse skills. One week they are studying the stars, the next week they are learning Chinese. And so it goes on, symbolically, for a lifetime.


What the logician begins, he brings to completion. Otherwise he is not satisfied. Regardless of the project, however, he wants to look beneath the surface of things. If he finds discrepancies, he addresses them.

Weaknesses of the INTP personality

The weaknesses of the INTP personality are mainly in the emotional and social areas:

Social isolation

INTP personalities can get so lost in their own thought processes that they lose touch with the outside world. Even when they are in company, they are usually absent in thought. Other people notice this and feel rejected.

Insensitive behaviour

All that counts for the INTP are tangible facts and logical connections. He sees no need to consider the emotional states and needs of other people in his decisions. He completely lacks the understanding for this. For this reason, the INTP often appears insensitive or even unfriendly to other people, even if he actually has well-intentioned intentions.

Obstructive Perfectionism

In the world of the logician, everything must be absolutely perfect. He has high expectations of himself and his work. However, the pursuit of perfection and the constant analysis can delay important decisions, so that the INTP ultimately comes to no conclusion at all.


INTPs are not afraid to share their knowledge with others. However, if the interlocutor does not immediately understand what the INTP is getting at, the INTP becomes extremely impatient. He does not invest any effort in explaining the context, but ends the conversation. After all, he does not want to waste his precious time ...


INTP personalities have difficulty accepting things as they are. They constantly see potential for improvement. This also applies to their own inventions and achievements. The fact that this behavior is associated with a feeling of constant Dissatisfaction is almost self-explanatory. Because INTPs are constantly striving for improvement, they neglect their current needs.


Due to their tendency to stubbornness and eccentricity, INTP personalities find it difficult to establish themselves in the "ordinary" job market. Jobs in which they have to work consistently according to other people's rules make them dissatisfied. Logicians need a job in which they can actively contribute and live out their creativity.

INTPs are born researchers. Their perfect workday consists of puzzling over seemingly unsolvable problems and ultimately solving them in unconventional ways. So it's no surprise that INTPs often pursue careers in research and science. They are also excellent mathematicians, physicists and analysts.

They also feel comfortable in technical or engineering professions. Basically, any profession that gives logicians the freedom to research and develop ideas independently is suitable. This is ultimately not dependent on the industry.

intp profession

INTPs are not ordinary employees

The above statement does not only refer to their mostly excellent performance. INTPs also differ significantly from their colleagues in terms of their motivation to work. Impressing the supervisor, being popular among colleagues or receiving an honorable title is secondary to unimportant for INTPs. All they want is an exciting project that they can immerse themselves in.

They often neglect monotonous routine and administrative tasks, which earns them the displeasure of the boss if they are employed in a salaried position. Social activities such as company parties, company outings or the morning chit-chat in the coffee kitchen are anathema to them. It may sound contradictory, but INTPs actually perform best when they work as part of a team.

The secret of success: teamwork

Because logicians live in their own world of thought, many disjointed ideas sometimes bubble forth, but ingenious in their approach. Sensitive colleagues and superiors can urge the INTP to proceed more slowly and thoroughly. Only in this way can the ideas eventually mature and be turned into feasible concepts.

The fact that teamwork generally leads to better performance results has already been repeatedly confirmed in studies.

However, INTP personalities would never admit that they could benefit from the impulses of teamwork. Moreover, they would only ask for help from themselves in rare cases. They appreciate constructive exchange, but they would rather take the implementation of their projects into their own hands.


In romantic Relationships the partner benefits from the inexhaustible creativity of the logician. He always finds ways to keep the partnership fresh and alive. The INTP desires an equal partner with whom to share ideas. The INTP's mission is constant learning and growth. A potential partner should not only tolerate this, but encourage it if possible.

The INTP has high standards. Finding someone who meets them is not so easy. Since INTP personalities are also very introvert they are afraid to make the first step. Therefore, even if someone catches their interest, it can take a long time for a solid partnership to develop. In addition, they have no skill in dealing with emotionality.

However, if the INTP has found an equal partner, he will appreciate and respect him. He attaches particular importance to an honest exchange within the relationship. He also tells his partner unpleasant truths directly to his face and expects that the person handles it the same way. Beating around the bush is not in the spirit of the INTP.

Expressing affection - A challenge with obstacles

Despite their outwardly visible cool aloofness, INTPs are quite capable of loving sincerely. However, they often can't express their feelings in the same way that partnerships usually do. Candlelight romance and declarations of love do not match their personalities. A partner who desires this may be disappointed.

However, it is equally possible for the INTP to fall so deeply in love that he momentarily breaks out of his world of logic and indulges in the pleasures of life. The latter is an exhilarating experience for this very rational personality type. In the end, however, he will always return to his own world of thought. This is something you should know as a (potential) partner.

The INTP as a friend

Casual acquaintances are not for the INTP. People of this personality type long for intellectual depth. They want reliable friends on whom they can count in case of emergency. The same applies vice versa, of course. Logicians want to exchange ideas with their closest confidants. In doing so, they appreciate honest feedback. They find people who simply agree uninteresting.

As you might have guessed, it's not easy to make friends with the INTP because of their emotional detachment. However, once the ice is broken, INTP personalities turn out to be creative and engaging companions. However, they are very picky when it comes to choosing their friends. So if you want to befriend an INTP, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Rule number 1 is: never get carried away with irrelevant small talk. Logicians consider gossip to be a waste of time. They'll let you know pretty clearly if they're bored with a topic of conversation. Shared interests are beneficial in finding conversation topics. You should always be aware of the Logician's demands and idiosyncrasies.

Curiosities about the INTP

Curiosities about the INTP

As you've no doubt noticed, INTPs are very idiosyncratic creatures. No wonder they have some curiosities to offer:

  • Of all the personality types, INTPs are most likely to be enthusiastic about learning one or more foreign languages.
  • INTPs have the lowest tolerance limit.
  • Most students admonished for alcohol and drug offenses are INTPs.
  • The INTP personality type most often exhibits occupational dissatisfaction.
  • INTPs often have poor grades in school despite being gifted.
  • They often work in technical or scientific fields.

Source: MBTI Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 3rd Edition.

Famous INTP people

Surely, it will not surprise you that among the famous INTP personalities there are many renowned scientists:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Isaac Newton
  • Charles Darwin
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Stanley Crouch
  • Bill Gates
  • Rene Descartes
  • Marie Curie
  • Socrates
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Kristen Stewart
  • Blaise Pascal
  • Elliot Page

Famous INTP personalities from film and television:

  • Jack Ryan (Jack Ryan series)
  • Alexander Mahone (Prison Break)
  • Abed Nadir (Community)
  • Cloe O`Brian (24)
  • Bruce Banner (Avengers)
  • Leslie Winkle (The Big Bang Theory)
  • Aemon Targaryen (Game of Thrones).
  • Lord Varys (Game of Thrones).
  • Neo (The Matrix)
  • Marshall Flinkman (Alias)

Want to find out more about your personality?

There are numerous reasons for dealing with one's own personality structure. One of the main reasons is to finally understand one's own Life goals to achieve. Do you have the feeling that you are constantly standing in your own way with one or the other entrenched behavior? Or have you noticed strengths in yourself that you would like to develop further?

A scientifically based personality test, e.g. the DISC modelcan provide you with valuable guidance. Only by finding out why you always react in a certain way in certain situations can you influence it. Of course, this is not about changing your personality. Because you are good and unique, just as you are.

However, the recognition and processing of strengths and weaknesses elementary to living a self-determined, happy life. Does this sound interesting to you? Then do not hesitate any longer and take our perfect free DISG personality test:

{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What does the abbreviation INTP stand for?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "

The abbreviation INTP stands for the following Characteristics:

  • I: Introversion (introversion)
  • N: intuition (intuitive)
  • T: Think (thinking)
  • P: perceptive (perceiving)
" } } ] }

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